My professional life is focused on providing information, education and counseling to people with cancer and their partners about sexual changes that can occur during and after treatment.
But there is another important aspect to this work; I want every person with cancer to be able to have a discussion about sexuality with their health care providers. And so I travel around the world, teaching health care providers to ask their patients about this important part of quality of life.
To reach those who cannot hear me talk and teach, I have written a number of books that will bring this message into the homes, offices and clinics of patients and care providers. See the section “Books” to read more about these.
If you need to know more about me and the work I do, or you want me to come to your city or town, health care facility or doctor’s office, contact me by email. I am always eager to spread the word and break the silence.
STARTING JANUARY 2020 – Counselling appointments for individuals and couples experiencing sexual difficulties for any reason. This service is for individuals who have NOT had a cancer diagnosis only.
Call 204 955 4717 to book an appointment or email me at counselling@drannekatz.com
One-hour sessions are available on select weekday later afternoons and Saturday mornings.